Know your data

Align your team
Pull in the same direction, without friction.

Stand out in a crowd

Hit a wall?
This can work in the early stages of companies but, as they grow, that approach often leads to recurring unforced errors, inefficient processes, poor process adherence and misaligned goals resulting in:
FITware solves problems that prevent growth.

See and manage leading
indicators of success.

Review personalized, real-
time metrics to change behavior.

Consistently excel to impress and
keep your clients for the long haul.
And best of all, you keep your current PSA and RMM.
Integrates seamlessly with your core applications.
FITware is the software my team and I originally built for my company that transformed us from a stalled MSP to #50 in the world.
– Jim Kennedy, Founder of FrictionlessIT

All the solutions you need in one integrated program.
“This is truly transformational”


Contact us! We’ll answer your questions and help you develop a customized adoption plan. Our professional integrators all come with extensive MSP experience and will walk with you each step of the way.

As we help you incrementally solve each challenge or disconnect area you’ll will experience mastery over your business, marketplace differentiation, and new growth. We’ve experienced it and we’re sure you can, too.
Let’s take a look at some real world experience…
Born out of personal experience growing a successful MSP, FITware gives MSP managers real-time and accurate data to make the right decisions, with the right people, in the right time. Read some of Jim Kennedy’s articles to learn more.

How Operationalizing Quality is Critical for Operational Maturity

Why an Effective Bonus Program Matters
(Hint: employee satisfaction!)

How I Improved Client Satisfaction with an Outstanding MSP Client Portal

You might still be wondering…
Isn’t one more piece of software adding to the problem?
Our intensely practical software was developed over 8-years in an MSP through daily interactions between staff and developers. They were aggressively attacking each challenge and disconnect, no matter how big small. FITware isn’t targeted at just one part of your business, it’s an integrated suite of solutions spanning your entire company both increasing your capabilities and replacing single focused tools you currently use.
What programs does FITware integrate with?
PSA – Connectwise Manage, RMM Kaseya & Connectwise Automate and numerous other utilities (e.g. Datto, Unitrends, various antivirus and malware apps, etc.). Other PSAs and RMMs will be integrated in the future.
What functional company areas does the software help?
By integrating, displaying, automating and reporting on data from your PSA and RMM and other apps we align goals and improve performance across your company. Specifically, performance is improved in Scheduling, Procurement, Tech Performance/Behaviors, Financial, Sales & Marketing, Scheduling/Service Delivery, MSP Security, Administration, and Reporting.
Can you share some practical examples?
Our software solves many challenges – here are just three examples:
Most MPSs dislike their client portal, are not happy with their tech bonus program, and struggle to effectively prepare for client visits and Quarterly Business Reviews.
FITWare provides a data rich and visually appealing Client Portal that showcases to your clients all that you do to keep them secure and operating efficiently.
Our Bonus Module allows you to group customize bonus metrics and provide realtime reporting throughout the bonus period to incentivize behaviors that drive quality and profitability. It includes tools to identify minimum, expected and exceeds thresholds by performance metric, and project the overall cost of the bonus program.
Our Sales Go Board provides a 360 view of a client – including financial metrics, performance metrics (e.g. response times, customer satisfaction, real time security related info/backup status/anti malware, client recommendations etc.), agreement/contract information.
How do I implement the software, and how long does it take?
The software is implemented incrementally. Our highly experienced team will help you prioritize the order in which solutions should be implemented. We’ll work with you to help configure, train on, and operationalize the software, and develop measures of success. Our Implementation Tracking Module shows the status of each function being implemented. Some functions can be implemented in a day, others may take weeks. While immediate results are seen when a function goes live the greatest impact is ultimately a company culture of proactive, disciplined excellence.
How much does it cost?
The software is extremely affordable and the reason why lies in our pricing philosophy. Single software solutions are expensive because they are only selling one solution – and the software becomes bloated with unused bells and whistles to justify the cost.
FrictionlessIT provides multiple integrated solutions in one suite, so we can charge less for each solution. We also believe in maximizing adoption, so we price our software on a per PSA member basis. This eliminates the burden of having of figuring out the minimum number of licensees you need to get by, or the awkward practice of sharing logins to stay cost effective.
You also only pay for functions that you impliment, ensuring a low cost of entry. In general one of our functions costs 33-50% of comparable solutions. Check out our pricing page to see our bundles, or call us for a custom quote.
Lower operational costs and boost profitability. Let us help you maximize your EBITDA faster.
4 Data Points Most MSPs Aren’t Tracking and How This Data Drives Success
Get a closer look at our favorite data points to track, and how they can make all the difference to growing MSPs.